Herpes Genital Sores.

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I have like a rash on the crown of my penis which is fair / redish. It's also dry and has got little cracks. I have had this for awhile.

Also around the penis there are fair white spots.

Let me know if you require pictures.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Please upload couple of pictures. It will help me in making a proper diagnosis.

Thank you

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Patient replied :

Also I just tried on a condom ( didn't have sex), ever since that there is like a burnt mark, which is slowly growing bigger I feel ( I have taken picture).

I'm not sure if you can see the white spots on the penis( not on the head) . On the head it's in patches.

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Thanks for posting your query.

I can understand your concern.

After seeing the pictures, I can appreciate the light coloured patches, the rash on the shaft of the penis.

The rash seems to be most likely due to a bacterial infection of the skin. The cracks that you mentioned could be due to yeast infection. The light coloured patches could be either due to the yeast infection, or following a rash. The other possible diagnosis is contact dermatitis with leucoderma.

I would recommend application of clotrimazole cream mixed with neosporin cream and cortisone cream twice a day for a week.

This will help to resolve the rash, the white patches may take a longer time to resolve.

In case it doesn't help to resolve the rash, I would recommend that you visit your dermatologist who can physically examine your concern and treat accordingly.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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Patient replied :

Hi. The crack is due to the skin being dry on the patch.

1) can I get these creams just from the pharmacy ( I'm in japan) how do I mix it ?

2) is miconazole nitrate of any help ?

3) is this contagious, the rash. Can I go to other people ?

Thank you very much.

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 2 Days.


These creams would be available over the counter. Just mix it in equal quantities. Miconazole can be used instead of clotrimazole. Yeast infection can be contagious at times, It will be best to let it heal first.

Take care

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