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My father Dipak Ch. Deb, he is admitted in ICU at Nightangle Hospital , KOLKATA. He is age is 66 , he is being diagonsed with hepatic encelopathy, advanced parkinsonism, and ishmic heart disease, he has a pacemaker, the doctor here are saying it is impossible to get him better, sir/madam if anyone can help, please advice

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query.
I understand your concern.
Considering all the conditions together, i am really sorry to say, that the prognosis do not look that good.
The doctor must have already done all the investigations and the reports are required to predict his prognosis. Investigations such as CBC, LFT, Serum Electrolytes, CT SCAN of the brain, prothrombin time and rft needs to be done. If possible upload his reports in the follow up.
Hepatic Encephalopathy is a medical emergency and treatment has to be initiated right away with IV fluids, and lactulose and some doctors also advocate the use of Rifaximin, a gut protective antibiotic.
Some patients do recover. So we can hope for the best. Based on his other reports we can predict about his outcome. Ischaemia is common in his age, and ECG can rule out any cardiac complications.
The prognosis doesn't seem to good. I have to wait for his reports and hope most of his values are within the normal range.
Hoping for the best,

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