Heartburn and acid reflux be due to ACUTE PANCREATITIS.

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Hi. I was wondering if acute pancreatitis would come in instantly then subside in a couple minutes? I had it a year ago but it seemed to only increase in pain & not go away entirely like now. It almost feels like heartburn or acid reflux but has a moment if that intense pain that radiates then completely went away." & hasn't returned.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com.

I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
Acute pancreatitis has a rapid onset of action, but it does not subside within minutes. It causes continuous severe pain that lasts for hours.
You probably have acid peptic disease.
A serum Amylase / Lipase test along with an USG (Ultrasonography) / CT scan of the abdomen would should whether you have pancreatitis or not
An upper GI endoscopy may be done to see whether an ulcer / acid peptic disease is the cause for your pain.

You can take the OTC Prilosec, at least half an hour before breakfast, for a week. If the pain is due to acid peptic disease, you would get relief.

I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.


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