Head Injury.

Resolved question:
I have very bad anxiety. About a year ago I was working at a daycare and a child fell down the stairs and hit his head. I didn't think anything of it because he cried for a minute and then was fine. He came back to the daycare after that too. I just read an article about internal bleeding in the brain and now I am having a panic attack that this happened to the child.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query.

You would not have to worry as the child would have presented with warning signs if internal bleed or any injury occured.
Did the child complain of headache, vomiting or dizziness at that time?
In the following days did you notice any change in behavior in the child like sensitivity to light or noise, did he have a vacant stare, inability to focus, or slowed verbal speech, loss of memory?

If nothing of the above happened and the child was back to his normal self you do need not worry.
It is common for children to fall. The skull usually protects the head well unless in very severe accidents or falls.

You need not worry and can relax as it is common for children to fall.

I hope this has helped.

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Patient replied :

He is not old enough to speak but he cried for a little bit and then went on acting normal. A couple weeks passed so I thought nothing of it but in the article I read it said it could take up to 6 weeks for the injury to take effect so I'm really worried that something could happen or has happened. I was wondering that if anything had happened it would have happened in those following days?

Thank you

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Hello, the symptoms usually take hours to days to develop.
If the child can not speak, you will notice that the child is restless, cranky, irritable.
The other signs of the child being unwell will be present. It is very unlikely that anything would have happened in the following days.

The fact that the child cried for just a minute means that the impact of the fall was not much and is nothing to worry.
With an impact like this there will be no brain injury.

However in case you notice any unusual symptoms, do get in touch with the doctor.
I hope this will help


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Patient replied :

This was a year ago, I do not work there anymore. I was just wondering should I be worried if something were to happen would it have happened in the following two weeks?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

You need not worry. Nothing would have happened to the child. As I have said earlier that impact of the fall would not have cause any damage or brain injury .
You have absolutely nothing to worry.
I hope this has helped you.

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