Gonorrhea- caused by sexually transmitted infections

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Hi doctor, I have got myself tested recently and I was informed that I was suffering from Gonorrhea. I have had the treatment. I wanted to know when I can be sure that the sexually transmitted infections of Gonorrhea have left my body.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Well, thank you for the question. Gonorrhea is another most common disease spread due to sexual intercourse apart from Chlamydia. It can happen to both men and women. In the case of men the symptoms appear in 2 to 8 days while in the case of women it may take longer. There is a possibility of about 30% that there are no symptoms at all. You told me that you have had your treatment of gonorrhea. The doctor must have given you an injection of Rocephin. However, in order to be sure that you don’t have any sexually transmitted infections of gonorrhea you should follow the below mentioned steps. The first step is that you should follow the full course of your treatment prescribed by your physician or doctor even if there are no symptoms or you are feeling extremely fine. Make sure that the person with whom you usually have sex is tested properly. This is important because if that partner of yours is having the sexually transmitted infections then she might pass it to you and you again will become a victim of Gonorrhea. The third step is that you get yourself tested again after you are finished with the doctor’s course. It should be done after 72 hours of completion of course. There are some doctors which suggest for a retest after one month of completion of course. The last step is that you should also get yourself tsted for disease like Chlamydia and HIV. I hope your doubts are cleared. Take care and do follow all the steps.

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