Genital warts cause the risk of vd

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Hi doctor, 25 years ago during my college days I went with a disease called genital wart and I am a father of 2 kids and my wife also knows about it.But for the many past year neither of the disease shown any sort of signs or rashes.I want to know whether it is long lasting or forever or it comes back after the duration of some time? And is it any ways related to vd?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern as there are number of infectious disease in the human body that effects the metabolic cells .Some infections goes over a period of time only to return later where as few f them never leaves the body. The genital warts infection is caused by human papillomavirus and such infection, as genital wart isdifficult to diagnose at early stage since they are not obvious sometime.These type of infectious disease are mainly caused due to transmission of sexual infections as genital warts are highly contigous.In this case if we see there is only 60% of chances or you can say risk of getting infection during sexual intercourse with someone with whom you get in contact and has genital warts. Behind this entire probability if we go for the recurrence rate then the rate of genital warts are higher than 50% and even after one year has resulted in many factors. But thankfully there are no signs of any link between vd and genital warts. And if we talk about woman then in them the genital wart somehow increase and decrease due to all this even theinfection that isdormant get activated.When taking about the treatment, let me tell you first, no treatment is 100% effective. it is advisable to prevent from HPV which is the reason that causes genital wart and one of the important thing it somehow causes cancer so whenever possible get your treatment complete. To get the prevention from genital wart than it can be reduced if during sexual transmission you use condoms and try to refrain from the activity involve in sex till the time unless the therapy is completed. And yes, there are rare chances of tracing vd with genital warts. I hope question is cleared.take care.

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