Flu with tingling and numbness of fingers

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Resolved question:
I have the flu and have noticed tingling numbness in my fingers what does that mean?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for the query,
I would like to know few additional information from you so that I can provide my best and learned opinion.
1. In which hand do you feel the numbness and tingling sensation?
2. Can you mention exactly in which area you feel the sensation?
3. What is the duration of the numbness?
4. Is it continuous or intermittent sensation?
5. Did you have a fall or injury recently?
6. Do you have any other associated chronic illness?
7. How long you are having the flu?
8. Are you on any medications?
You can reply as a follow-up. Thank you.

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Patient replied :

I've had the flu sinse Wednesday. It's in both hands and its not constant it comes and goes... I have no injury of any sort. I only have tmj and chiari malformation nothing else medical

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thank you for the additional information.

The tingling is most likely to be due to a mild peripheral neuropathy set in by the viral infection (flu). Viral infections and the body's immune reaction can set in some inflammatory changes in the myelin sheaths of the nerve causing tingling. One possible explanation for the localisation in the hands and fingers is the presence of the chiari malformation , which can put some amount of pressure on the nerves of upper limbs.

This should resolve within a week of complete resolution of the flu symptoms. No medications are generally necessary. However if you are Vegetarian or if you are not taking a nutritious diet for any reason, a Vitamin B complex supplement is recommended.

Hope this helps
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