First time sex and possibility of STI

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Dear doctor; I am in a sexual relationship with my boyfriend but with a condom only and want to try out without it like porn stars do but I am perplexed about the fact that neither of us has any STI’s till now since we are virgins. Or we may have?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question; your query is one of the better questions that arouse in people’s mind before they are going to have unprotected sex. Sex without condom definitely is an experience better than with a condom just because the feel of uncovered penis inserting into vagina is more arousing than covered with a latex one. Theporn stars usually do not show their condoms or do sex without a condom but it should be noted that they are so well trained about the fact to abandon intercourse when the penis is on the verge of ejaculation and hence nothing really happens in it. For people who are not so well trained in intercourse it might be difficult to realize the point of ejaculation and hence unprotected sex should not be done if you want to keep pregnancy at bay. Therefore imitating porn stars like sex is a little difficult as they can avoid any type of ejaculation of penis into vagina which normal people can’t. Talking about the STI’s or the sexually transmitteddiseases, well they may or may not be present even if a person is virgin and hasn’t had any sexual intercourse. This is because these diseases are of different types and may be present in one’s genitals even before sex. It is advisable that if you are really feeling the need of having sex without a condom and have doubts about an STI’s then you should visit a GUM clinic and the specialist in there will assess the health of your genitals and approve it. Wish you good luck.

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