Family history of atherosclerosis

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I stumbled upon this by luck. I simply plugged all my symptoms into Google. I have had the mouth lesions that I just always assumed were your average "cold sore" all my life. I knew that I had had issues with those and stys on my eye when I was very young. I haven't had a sty for a very long time but get a cold sore at least a half a dozen times a year. I wake up with gut wrenching pain radiating from my wrists, hands, neck, and almost all of my body. I assumed my lack of energy was a failure within my personality. My grandmother, G-grandmother and other relatives had been diag'ed with atherosclerosis. My grandmother having her first operation for it when she was just a bit over 40. IBS has always plagued our family and I had "ulcer-like" symptoms as early as 10. I cough up grey-green mucus every day no matter whether I smoke or not. I have recently been noticing a surgence of what I thought was Keratosis Pilaris and have had "acne" break out on my face that never became a pimple and thanks to it I have a scar that I claim as freckle on my lip. Those usually show up on my check or near my nose. I have also suffered from unexplained seizures since I was 23. No amount of EEG's ever gave a clue as to why, they couldn't be reproduced in the tests. I don't think I have had much on the genital lesions unless these can appear as wart like lesions, then yes I had one episode of that when I was much younger. Everything seems to make me sick to my stomach, especially dairy products. I guess what Id like to know is am I being paranoid, and if Im not how do I get my doctor to test me for this.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring

The lesion in the mouth could be cold sore, especially if it is recurring .Is it possible for you to send me some picture of the active lesions you are having ?

Since you have family history of atherosclerosis you should take extra care for your dietary habits. Avoid fried, oil rich and fat diets. You should also get a basic blood panel + Lipid Profile done.

Regarding the seizure , have your Doctor's considered the possibility of a pseudo seizure ? I am not saying it is a false seizure, but rather a different kind. Was an MRI/ CT brain done during the seizure ? Was it normal ?

There could be component of Irritable Bowel disease. If diary is making you sick lactose intolerance should be suspected. In that case I strongly encourage you to avoid milk and milk products. Meanwhile you should take a calcium + Vitamin D3 and a B complex vitamin supplementation. You should also take high fibre diet. Target a fiber intake of 30 gms per day. This will bring in a lot of improvement in your bowel symptoms. You may also take a probiotic capsule once a day for 3-4 days.

Hope this helps
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