Erection Dysfunction And Treatment

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Hi Doctor,

 I am 32 old and I am single. I have been facing erection problem for a past few years. I have faced constipation problem when I was 19 and still it continuous, apart from this I have never faced any other health issues. I have never smoked or used any kind of drugs. Can you help me?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thanks for the question and concern. Erection problems may due to pathological situations or emotional disturbance. ED is sexually dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain erection of penis during intercourse. There are many reason for the cause of erectile difficulties like stress, injuries, psychological problems, or due to wide range of diseases. If you have the problem of ED for about more than a week it would be best to consult a doctor. As ED may result in many serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, or may be even more serious problems. There are various treatment available for ED like PDH5 inhibitors sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil are prescription drugs which can be taken orally. Another treatment is injection therapy, one of the drug i.e. papaverine, phentolamine and prostaglandin are injected into penis.

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