Effects of PEP treatment on P24 ANTIGEN TEST.

Resolved question:
I and very much worried and tensed. I had sex with a CSW in Delhi, India on 12th April,15. I used condom but it broke in the event and i took out my penis (duration might be 3-5 secs). I changed my condom and continued. Totally i did sex times with her.
On 14th April, i consulted a Doc and he advised PEP as the status of CSW was unknown. He advised Viraday to me and did a complete blood, urine test for me. He even did all possible HIV test including PCR RNA using cobas taqman method. He again called me on 16th to come for a Torch panel test. Herpes was negative, However i had IGG values as high for cmv,toxomoplasma,and rubella (result showed like x>value as immune... was confused with my result) He suggested i have it from before and not from this exposure. On 17th my results came for PCR RNA and was non reactive (detection till 20 ) and he told me that i can stop pep and told me to continue till 20th April (7 days) and gave me other medicines and told that i dont need to continue PEP.. He gave me Zovirax and Greatum 500 which i continued from 24th April to 11th May, 2 tablets a day.
I had cough and cold symptom on 26th April and when i visited my doc, he gave me azithromicin. I still have a sore throat and cough.
My morning stool movement is fast and comes in patches, I doubt it also has cough. Sometimes the morning stool comes like little red patches types.

My doctor was not available on 11th May(4 weeks+) so i went for self test for HIV duo + p24 antigen from Dr Lal Path Labs, New Delhi (a reputed test center) which came as non reactive. I called him to say that but he told that it is of no use and told me that i may be at risk and need to do my test only from him. my duo results were 0.09 and he told me that it can be because of some positive but as i have read that below the mark (<1) is considered negative. please correct me if i am wrong.
I again went for a HIV duo test post 6 weeks exposure and post 5 weeks PEP and post 2 weeks of zovirax and greatum and it came as non reactive and the value was 0.11. How reliable are my results?
Can my medicines or PEP effect this result?
I am a heavy smoker and i even smoke marijuana and drink sometimes, can it delay anything?
If suppose i have had HCV with this exposure, can it be delayed, however i am vaccinated for HEP B, what are the chances and can it be delayed because of this?

I have slight pain in my right palm below my thumb since yesterday.

I have stopped visiting my doctor because of the varied opinions.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern
Since, you have taken PEP it is recommended taking HIV tests (because PEP may prolong the appearance of antibodies) at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months post exposure. Negativity at 6 weeks as in your case is definitely a good sign but follow-up tests for confirmation are recommended. Negativity at 6 weeks and 3 months post exposure is conclusive that you are HIV free. Your symptoms may occur as side effects of PEP. So please do not worry for now and repeat test at 3 months again.
Feel free to discuss.

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Patient replied :

Hi Doctor,
Thanks for the reply.
I took PEP(viraday - combination of 3 meds) for just 7 days after which my Doc said that i should stop taking it. I am confused why this can be done. Looking at my PCR RNA results, he told me that i can stop taking PEP. He then gave me Zoster(zovirax) and Greatum 500. Can 7 days PEP and these 2 medicines affect my HIV duo result at 6 weeks?
what are my chances of being free from HIV?
can i go for Duo or PCR test after 8 weeks exposure?
How many people turn out to be false negative after 6 weeks for duo test?
I am even having headaches at the back of my head, can it be a problem or just because of anxiety and stress?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

PCR test is extremely sensitive, and hence you do not need to worry.
The headache is definitely from your stress levels.
The medicines won't affect the virus. If you got it, it will be detected. I will request you to repeat the test at the end of the 3rd month.
In my opinion, considering your values from Lal path labs, you are free of HIV.

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