Dots in shirt start moving, changes colour. OPTICAL ILLUSION?

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Resolved question:
I saw a checker shirt today and the dots between squares on the shirt seemed to be moving or changing from black to white. It's hard to explain. On the Internet there are optical illusion and there is one grid when a person stares at it the dots seem to change color. That is what happens when. I look at the shirt. I took a picture of it. Is this normal?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Ophthalmologist

Expert:  Dr. Manish Malhotra replied 4 Days.

Dear sir,
Thank you for your query at
This is purely optical illusion , please do not worry , god bless you.
Feel free to discuss further.

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Patient replied :

Thank you dr.So what I see on the shirt is the same as on the illusion ? Did you see both pictures?

Expert:  Dr. Manish Malhotra replied 3 Days.

Yes, I reviewed the pictures, it is due to optical illusion.

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