Does Sertraline have side effects?

Resolved question:

HI, I have recently been fighting bouts of anxiety and was prescribed Sertraline. I have been taking the 25mg for 3 days...I didn't have many side effects for the first two days but I just had a panic attack and now I have this weird feeling like I want to shiver/get that tingling feeling down my back, but it wont come and it's very uncomfortable.... is this just anxiety too in a physical form or should I be worried???

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Hello, The symptoms that you have described are due to anxiety. There are different types of anxiety disorders such as panic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, post traumatic stress disorders, social anxiety disorders, generalized anxiety disorders and specific phobias .It is a mental illness and the patients are usually constantly worried and fearful which could be crippling .In your case, you had a panic attack and a weird feeling which is quite common in panic disorders. In addition you have been taking Setraline 25 mg a day for the last three days. Setraline is a selective serotonin reuptake which produces drug interaction .It produces a longer lasting active metabolite and the usual daily dosage is 50 -200 mg per day .So the dosage that you are presently on is quite negligible. However if you are still experiencing some discomfort, I would suggest you to consult your doctor. Thank you.

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