Depression and anxiety on Celexa and Topomax and stopping it

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Hi Doctor, I suffer sever depression and anxiety and my psychatriast has just put me on 40 mg of celexa up from 20 (after trying prozac, effexor and cymbalta. My mind is racing after three days and just won't stop, which I find strange considering I was on 20mg for 21 days. But, that is not my question, just some background information. I am also on Topomax 25mg twice a day for chronic headaches. I really don't believe these are doing a thing for me. Can I just stop taking these, or do I need to be weaned off of them?


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello Brenda, thank you for choosing Doctorspring. I will be glad to help you.

I understand your concern about your issue and I am glad you brought it up with us .

I understand that you are on celexa which is chemically a drug named citalopram for your depression and also on topomax which chemically is topiramate for your chronic headaches.

Topomax is a drug that has a contraindication for individuals with depression and anxiety as it can cause mood swings and worsen your symptoms of depression. It definitely works well for chronic headaches when taken over a period of time. However, the fact that you have been diagnosed with severe depression with anxiety , topomax is contraindicated for usage by you.

However, it is very harmful for you to suddenly stop taking topomax. This should never be done. I hope you had consulted a physician who had prescribed this drug for you for your chronic headache in the first place. I strongly recommend that you consult your physician again and have topomax weaned off over over a period of time in order to prevent any withdrawal symptoms. Sudden stoppage of topomax can result in dizziness, anxiety, seizures and other harmful withdrawal effects. So, please do not do that.

Consult your physician , have topomax weaned off over a period of time and then stopped. Your physician can probably start you on a another drug for your chronic headaches that would have no contraindication to your conditions and be absolutely beneficial to you.

Hope this helps.
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