Constant tightness in my Chest and Shortness of Breath

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Hello. Three months back when I was doing some workouts in the gym, suddenly I felt some tightness in the chest. After five minutes, I suffered from shortness of breath. It continued for half an hour. I thought that this is due to overactivity. I have done workouts for almost one and half hour that day. So I thought it is because of it. But later I have experienced similar symptoms, twice in the following month. Then I got a doubt and I visited a hospital. The doctor over there, examined me and said that there is no abnormality in my chest. I was very happy and I was sent home with a huge bill. Now after that I experienced three more similar attacks. This time I consulted a cardiologist and I requested him for an x-ray and echocardiogram. The same evening I got the reports, saying that there is no abnormality in my x-ray and echocardiogram. But still having this problem. Is there any thing else that the doctors I have visited missed? I really feel that there is some problem with my heart.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexologist

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Hello. Thanks for Posting your query to us.

I'm sorry for your present condition that is been undiagnosed for these many months.

Your doctors have already ruled out the pathology that can arise from lungs through physical examination and chest x-ray. An echocardiogram would almost never miss any disease or pathology related to the heart. There could be to 2 possibilities, In your case. The breathlessness and tightness in the chest could be due to:

1)acidity, which can produce symptoms like tightness in chest and it is aggravated by excessive work or spicy foods or lying down immediately after taking food.

2)Anxiety. It could lead to the symptoms that you have described without any structural or functional pathology.

I strongly suspect the role of anxiety in your case, I request you to consult a physician for this purpose.

Hope this helps.

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