Confused about paternity of pregnancy

Resolved question:
Hi I'm just abit confused and need some help, in april I had an abortion wich led to me and my boyfriend splitting up, 2 weeks later on the 1st of may I slept with someone else then not long after me and my boyfriend got back together then on the 24th of may I had my first period following the abortion and on the 20th of june I had my second period following the abortion, then in july I found out I was pregnant wich ultrasound states I'm 12 weeks exactly tomorrow (13th of september)I nee to no is my long term boyfriend the father or is there a possibility this pregnancy could be a result of the may incident? Thank you

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


I assume that your last period so far was on 20th of June. Assume that you are having regular cycles, the consumption (fusing of egg and sperm) might have happened sometime 1 or 2nd week of July. Which mean by now the fetus is approximately 12 weeks old.

This is means your long term boyfriend is indeed the father.
Moreover you has a periods after the May incident. So this rules out the May incident as the possible cause of your pregnancy.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.

Thank you

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Patient replied :

So is there no possible chance that this pregnancy could be the result from the may incident?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

No. Especially since you had periods after that incident pregnancy is not likely from the May incident. Thank you

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