Cold sore outbreak

Resolved question:

My girlfriend has had cold sore outbreaks (herpes around the lips, sometimes on the bottom of her nose) every once in a while for most of her life. We are usually very careful whenever she has an outbreak but this time I did get infected and I'm getting worried with the intensity.

(about 5 days since the first symptoms) - I have suffered from fever and headaches for about 3 days, which is finally (more or less) over, but the herpes sores are still developing. What scares me most is that as of today, my sinuses are packed with the yellow crust. I also have 2 sores on my chin, my gums are all red and swollen (it's become very difficult to eat) and I have painful white/grey spots in my mouth.

I have used a xylometazoline nose spray for a few days (before sleeping) for clearer airways. This weakens the tissue in my nose, so the virus probably found that area easy to settle in. Still I'm worried it could spread to my brain as clearly my body doesn't have control of the situation yet.

Is this intensity normal for a first herpes outbreak? Could I be in danger of Herpes encephalitis?

I'm a 23 year old male, otherwise healthy and I have no mentionable medical conditions or even allergies.

Thanks in advance!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

It does seem that you are having a Primary Herpes outbreak. I understand that your symptoms are severe, but do not worry it is nothing out of ordinary. In many individuals primary infection can be quite eventful. This does not mean that you are going for complication like Herpes encephalitis.

The yellow crusts does not mean virus or colonisation. They are just dried up mucus. Do not worry about that. Its part of body immune reaction - which is a good thing.

You should consider taking antivirals if the symptoms persisting. (even though it is bit later for anti virals) You can also take OTC pain medication like Ibuprofen 400mg twice daily.

In case of Any usual symptoms - weakness of arms /legs / unsteadiness / vomiting / altered consciousness - you should get in touch with your Doctor.

Hope this helps
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