Chronic ear infection with flares up for years. CANCER?

Resolved question:
28 year old female. I have had chronic ear infection for several years now. They flare up and then calm down and drops seems to only be a short term solution. For about a month now I have noticed a lump on either side of my head just outside my ears. I went to see my family doctor and he said I had a low grade fever and that my throat was swollen, red and had yellow and white spots. He tested for strep throat which came back negative. He gave me penicillin and I finished the course of antibiotics. My ears feels much better but the lumps are still there and my throat has the same look about it. I do not have a sore throat or any symptoms associated with my throat but it looks infected. I am seeing an ENT in about 10 weeks but my throat not getting better and the lumps are worrying me. Of I course I think immediate of cancer but I'm trying to stay calm. My family doctor said it's probably just viral but it's been a month now. Please any advice you can provide would be great.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: ENT Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query at

Yor are suffering from bilateral ear infection for many years,now you have lump behind your
ear on both side, you were treated with a course of antibiotic and now you donot have any
throat or ear symptoms except lump behind can see yellow and white spot in your
Swelling behind both ear will not be due to cancer, Most likely it is lymph node secondary to
ear infection. and white spots you are seeing in your throat are food particle debris in your
tonsillar crepts, so you need not to do any thing about throat as it is asymptomatic.
for ear you need examination by ENT specialist. But you can start Tab.Levocetrizine 5 mg once
in night for two weeks, which will prevent ear infection.

Hope this helps
Best Regards

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