Chances of becoming fertile after vasectomy

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Hi there, I am a married female and my husband had vasectomy about 3 years ago. Since then we were enjoying sex as normal. But I am very much concerned about chances of pregnancy, as we used to have unprotected sex, since then. I feel his ejaculate inside me, which makes me tense about getting pregnant. Is there any chance in males that vasectomy can fail? I heard that, during the process, some tubes which carry sperms are cut and tied. Is there a chance that the knot get untied and start releasing sperm to urethra, making him fertile? Some kick, knock or beating can release the knot, I think. I am very much concerned about it and it makes me tensed while having sex. I heard that vasectomy is very effective but I am not so sure about that. Please help me. 

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Thanks for the question.From your description, it is evident that he had vasectomy about 3 years ago. Since then you had unprotected sex and that has not made you pregnant till now. So, there is no more need to worry about the effectiveness of the surgery. Vasectomy has got a success rate of more than 99% and the procedure is safe and reliable. The semen he ejaculates is sperm free and chances of getting pregnant are nil. You need not worry about vasectomy or think about any other contraceptive measure, as he had the surgery very long ago. There is absolutely no chance to get the sperm tube knot untie by itself. I hope that my answer helps. Best wishes.

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