Cause for gurgling stomach, chest, back and shoulder pain.

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Bubbling and gurgling stomach, sharp mid back pain, burning, shoulders, chest, heartburn, pain in ribs

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query at
I understand your concern.
You seem to be having symptoms relating to GERD ( Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease ), where after the patient finishes his meal, due to lax Lower Espophageal Sphincter, some food gets regurgitated back and that causes all the symptoms of burning sensation, and the pain which gets transmitted. Classically the pain is felt around the centre of the chest, which is localized around the ribs.
It can be reduced with the help of some lifestyle modification and diet changes. In lifestyle modification, i will advise you avoid foods like fatty foods, chocolate, peppermint and excessive alcohol which predisposes to this condition. Also in dietary changes, the meals should be small and your dinner should be taken at least 2-3 hours before bed time. There should be restriction in alcohol use ( if you consume alcohol ) and tight-fitting clothes should also be avoided. Increase your water intake. Mild to moderate walking around 30-45 minutes everyday will also help reducing your symptoms.
If your symptoms increase during sleeping, then you can try head end elevation like using two pillows for sleeping.
Along with all this i will advise the following medicine :
Tab. Pantoprazole sodium ( 40 mg ) + Itoprode Hydrochloride ( 150 mg ) - once daily 30 minutes before breakfast. ( This is a combination which works the best in such cases. One single tablet is to be taken 30 minues before breakfast ).
In case this combination is not available, you can take Cap. Omeprazole 20 mg once daily before breakfast along with antacids. Antacids have to be taken 3 times a day right after meals. It will also help in reducing your symptoms.
Please try the above mentioned methods for 2 weeks and let me know if it is helpful.
Feel free to discuss further,

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