Can eating in restaurant cause fever, pain, and swelling?

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Resolved question:
My symptoms are vomiting fever body pain all over some swelling in the legs it all started after eating from a restaurant close to my Jim after I had just finish working out .

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern. You seem to be suffering from Gastroenteritis or what is commonly called as "Food Poisoning". This is an infection of the gut due to intake of contaminated food. In your case, the cause would be the food from the restaurant.
I need you to provide some more details.
-Are you passing adequate urine? Is your urine darker than usual?
-Any loose stools? Abdominal pain?
-What was the food you ate and how long after eating did you develop the symptoms?
-Any swelling of the face etc?
I have the following suggestions.
1. Please take tablet. Ondansetron 4 mg, once now and later you should take twice daily, half an hour before food, for 3 days to prevent vomiting.
2. Please drink lots of fluids including ORS, fruit juices or even plain water. Please drink in sips instead of gulping it down to avoid vomiting.
3. You can take tablet Paracetamol 500 mg, thrice daily for fever.
4. Antibioticw will not be needed as of now.
If you develop any symptoms like dizziness, inability to pass urine etc, please go to the hospital emergency as soon as possible.
Waiting to hear from you,

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Patient replied :

Thanks for the timely response,ow in reply to your request for more details
I need you to provide some more details. -Are you passing adequate urine? The Urine is nomal
Is your urine darker than usual? The Urine color is Nomal -Any loose stools? Abdominal pain? Some pain and Discomfort -What was the food you ate and how long after eating did you develop the symptoms? Steam Mixed Veg and salad -Any swelling of the face etc?No swelling of the face but some of the lower legs along with pain in the shoulder thigh knees and abdomin
Note i had a very intese workout at the jim had lost 16lb in a month time had been focusing on my abdominal area with my workout
Also my fevers tend to be from evening time throughout the night and mornings am ok during the day time body feel fatiuged i only vomited on that first 2 days but offten feel like i want to vomit especially when my fever is up and my stomch is paining
I don't suffer from highblood pressure,Diabetes,Allergies,or had any Surgeries,No smoking or excessive alchol use currently im warded at my hospital and have gotten treated with drips IV and being obseverd,my concern is for being exsposed to chikenguna or degue fever as there are outbreaks in the caribbean areas at this time ,But is it possible that i may of hurt my abdominal while working out???

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Hello. Thank you for writing to us again.
They have given you IV drips so that there is no further dehydration. They will also probably run some tests. Since you're also complaining of fever, i will recommend you get certain tests done, just to be absolutely sure.
1) CBC
2) LFT
3) Malaria Antigen Test
4) WIDAL Test
Since you are already in the hospital, you can elaborate your symptoms to the doctor and he will guide you regarding the investigations.
It is possible to hurt the abdominal muscles, intense workout will definitely strengthen them, but you can have a muscle pull, which can be very painful. I appreciate you are trying to work-out so hard, however please be careful and use proper precuations before weight lifting.
Let me know how you're feeling right now,

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