Burn injury on the forearm.

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I accidentally burned myself on the forearm about a week ago. Immediately the top layer of skin was burned off leaving an open wound. I don't believe it was too deep, maybe just a few layers of skin deep. It is almost a perfect circle, the size of a pepperoni (looks like one too haha). I am a bit concerned that it may be infected. When it first happened I immediately put it under cold water for about 10-15 minutes and applied silver sulfadizine on it that i had left over at home from a previous incident. No blister was formed but the skin keeps scabbing up. I had it covered with a bandage but whenever I took the bandage off, the newly formed tissue/scab would come right off with the bandage. I am not too sure if that is what I want to happen or not to happen. The past two days i have been keeping it uncovered but keeping it as clean as I can. Still hurts to the touch and a yellowish liquid comes out whenever the scab is either cut open accidentally from daily actions or highly irritated. Is this normal or what should I do to follow up with this issue. I didn't think it was serious enough for real medical attention and thats my last option. Hopefully one of you can give me some insight.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com.

You are doing the right thing by keeping it uncovered. Or else the newly fielded tissue will come out with the bandage.

I would recommend application of mupirocin cream on it twice a day. This will help in taking care of any infection if present. The yellow liquid might be serum or it could be pus.

If the yellowish liquid is persistent even after the cream application for a couple of days you will require an oral antibiotic.

Hope I have answered your queries. Please feel free to discuss further.

Take care

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