Brownish residue while wiping even without bowel movement.

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I have an embarrassing and distressing problem I'm hoping you can help me out with.

I am a 21 year old, otherwise healthy male.

So my problem is... if I wipe my anus sometime during the day (without/before bowel movement), I still get brownish residue on the paper. I know for sure that I had cleaned myself 100% earlier in the day after my previous bowel movement (to the point where I have absolutely no residue on the paper). I even shower and wash my anus with soap after bowel movements to make sure it is clean.

But if I wipe later, without bowel movement, there is STILL residue! Please see picture attached.

I eat a relatively healthy diet, with plenty of vegetables and grilled chicken and stuff. I tend to avoid junk food as much as I can, though of course I do slip up sometimes.

I would be so grateful if you could help me out, please. This is significantly distressing for me.

Thank you so very much.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
It looks like blood and mucus discharge..
A perianal examination, digital rectal examination, a stool test and a sigmoidoscopy should be be done to rule out causes like eczema in the perianal region, proctitis and solitary rectal ulcer.
You can consult a gastroenterologist and discuss about these causes and get the tests done.
I hope that answers your query.
Let me know if I can assist you further.

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Patient replied :

Dear Dr. R.K,
Thank you so much for your advice. I consulted a gastroenterologist and he performed a colonoscopy, which only revealed an internal hemorrhoid. However, he didn't seem to think that it was the cause of the leakage. Earlier physicals revealed that the tone of my sphincster was fine!
I already eat a high fiber diet with multiple helpings of fresh vegetables and salads, and take hot showers often to help with the hemorrhoid.
I was owndering if you could help me address three issues:
1. My main cause of concern is that the smearing hasn't gotten any better. Lately, my underwear gets stains/skid marks too whenever I work out or do strenuous physical activity. Of course, I want to reiterate that this is not a cleaning problem – I clean well after bowel movement, use wet wipes and typically shower right after.
2. Getting clean only using toilet paper takes me a long time, typically taking 10-20 wipes. I was wondering if that's relevant (though I use wetwipes and shower regardless of how long TP takes). Is there a way to reduce the number of wipes it takes to become clean?
3. Another complication I've noticed is that there is some substance (powdery but sticky brown/black) on my scrotum that leaves a residue on toilet seats. I'm afraid that this might be an extension of the fecal leaking, but I'm not sure.
I wanted to ask if there's something I can do/any further steps I can take to improve my conditions. They are really affecting my self esteem, and I feel down and unhygienic because of them. I've been trying to treat this problem (anal leakage) for a couple of years now, and I would appreciate any help, tips or suggestions. Thank you so much for your time.

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 3 Days.

Admin Message -
Your consult has been closed. Your consult is now older than 1 month. If you have further queries, I request you to initiate a new consult. You could consult the same Doctor as well, please mention the same in the new consult.
Hope this communication was fruitful. Wish you good health.
Thank you
In-house Physician

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