Blood pressure spike

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Resolved question:
Yesterday my blood pressure spiked to 215/60, this morning when I checked it it was 154/92. I am feeling tired and have felt tired. For the last year. 63 years old, no past history of heart disease for me.
Height 5'2 wt. 179.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

A blood pressure reading of 215/60 is bit unlikely and I suspect a reading error. The diastolic pressure - 60mmgHg is very low for a systolic pressure of 215 (unless you have some very rare heart conditions). And without treatment it will not come down this quickly.

Either way I would like to know whether you are on any medications for hypertension now ? If so have you defaulted on any medications recently ?

Do you have weakness of any limbs ? Any visual disturbances ? any chest pain ? any unusual symptom as a matter of afact since yesterday ?

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