Blleding hard bump in labia with white discharge.

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I have a hard bump which started to bleed a little when I applied a warm compress on my inner labia. I also have white discharge that does not have a distinct smell. It is milky in texture. I should be getting my period soon. I had sex not too long ago and used a condom. Had sex 3 weeks ago without a condom but the person was recently checked and all his texts came negative. I had a boyfriend last year and we had unprotected sex all the time but I never exhibited any symptoms. I don't have insurance and can't see a live doctor until a week and a half from now. The bump stings a little but no real pain. I have cramps and my period is due any day. Could u please give me an idea if I need to go to the doctor immediately or I can wait until next week? I also get a lot of oimples in my groin area. It's an ongoing problem. But this is the first time ever get anything in my labia. I put neosporin in the area.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at
This is a simple boil ( pimple ) , an infection / inflammation basically of the sweat glands in the area.
Dont worry much about it.
Just avoid touching / handling it as much as possible.
Most of these lesions clear on their own.
Shaving / rough sex / touching with nails will worsen it.
Avoid using any kind of soap / cleanser / douche, just clean with lukewarm water and pat dry.
You can use OTC antibiotic ointment on it - Mupirocin or Bacitracin cream / gel.
Rarely they might require oral antibiotics to get cleared, but those are prescription medications.
If this does not resolve with the treatment outlined earlier, you can then contact your doctor in a couple of weeks' time for antibiotics.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

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Patient replied :

Thank you. What about my milky white discharge? I'm scared it may be related. It doesn't smell bad. Or sour. I am due to get my period any day now I am getting serious cramps. Not sure if these things are related. Also the boil is starting to hurt a bit. It stings like a pimple, nothing too painful. IS this normal? What causes these? Anything I can do to prevent it? I'll send u more pics of the discharge. It started today. It is really milky white. And the thing that looks like a white bump in the photo is a small glob of the discharge. I checked if I had anything there after wiping. I put some antibacterial ointment per your suggestion. I get boils in my body from time to time. Sometimes in my bikini area. And they leave scars. I switched soaps too. I've been told to only use antibacterial soap by my dermatologist as I get a lot of ingrown hairs. I switched to a diff soap just because I ran out of the other. I've gotten 2 ingrown hairs in the last two weeks and now this. Could it be related?

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

As long as the discharge is not foul smelling / does not itch, and there is no redness, there is no cause for concern.
As your period draws nearer, the discharge does turn milky , thick and increases in amount.
Dont worry about it.
Also , dont wash that area or rub it too often, it will become sore.
Just let the boil be, and apply local antibiotic cream / gel.
Take care.

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Patient replied :

Thank you. The bump is no longer red. It is flesh colored and feels squishy to the touch. I can still feel a ball under the skin from the bump. Like when I move it around I can feel the whole bump move even under. It stings a little. Nothing major where I can't sit. Is it getting worse? How long do these take to heal?

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 2 Days.

It takes at least a week for it to heal.
You can keep applying Mupirocin for 7 days.
Since it is no longer red, it is definitely recovering.

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Patient replied :

Hello. I just found out the guy I have been seeing lied to me when I found a valtrex prescription. Could this bump then be herpes? It still looks the same. Flesh color and squishy and I can feel it inside the skin. I will go get it checked on Monday but could you please give me some info on herpes. The bump stings a bit still. If it is herpes can I have a normal sex life or am i going to keep spreading it forever. Can I have kids? I looked online and there is no blister. The bump is a little down in size. It's starting to flatten out. But I can still feel it round inside the skin. Thank u

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