Bad headache, DISORIENTATION & CONFUSION in morning.

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My husband woke up fine this morning and everything was going great, then he got upset with me and hollered at me, then went and put on his shoes. About 20 minutes later he came and asked about what time we we're leaving for church, I reminded him of the argument and he did not remember. He went and sat down and came back again and I told him that I just told him that I was not going. The same thing happened. He came back complaining about his head hurting very bad, that is was pounding and his arms felt heavy. As I was speaking with him, he could not remember the argument, or some of the other things that morning. So he had a very bad headache, disorientation, and confusion. He kept telling me to stop messing with him that those things did not happen. I should also let you know that he is under A LOT of strew, and he only sleeps about 3-4 hrs a night. It has been about an hour and now he states that he is fine, just very tired. Could you help me figure out what is happening. And what I should do?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Psychiatrist

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at

I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.
You husband is having a sudden onset headache with a confusional state and memory disturbances. The fact is that he is 53 years old patientold and this age, these symptoms point to an organic etiology. These may occur due to stress but ti would be wiser to rule out the organicity first. You should take him to ER and he will require a CT scan of the brain. Some strokes can present with similar findings. He may also require some blood tests like serum electrolytes complete blood count.

If all the tests come normal only then the stress hypothesis should be thought of.
Hope this helps
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD

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