Bacterial vaginal problem lately

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I am 27 year old female and have been sexually active since my teens. But I am facing a vaginal problem lately. Every time after sex, a small quantity of white fluid is discharged from my vagina, although I don’t feel any pain, but this fluid has extremely foul odour and I can’t bear it. Also it becomes awkward and quite ugly to face my partner in that situation. I planning to get married in coming years and this problem is causing a great trouble for me. 

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

It is always preferable to consult someone in issues like this. As you have mentioned that you were active sexually from your teens and at present facing a vaginal problem. First I would tell that the name of your problem is Bacterial vaginitis, and is caused in many cases caused by a bacterial overgrowth in vagina. Albeit, not dangerous, it can have really worrying symptoms. First measure to cure this problem is to stop having sex for a while and then keep the hygiene in the vaginal area. Also you should consult a doctor or a GP as soon as possible as delay might result some other bacterial infection of vagina. 

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