Resolved question:
I have done lipid profile test and the date of testing and the results are given below
Observed value
on 19 Dec 2014
Triglycerides( Lipase) 90mg/dL
Total Chlosterol( Cholerstrol oxidase) 219mg/dL
H.D.L. Chlostreal(Phosphotoungstate /Mg) 59mg/dL
L.D.L Chlosterol 142mg/dL
V L D L 18mg/dL
TC/HDL 3.7
I have attached an excel sheet with hisotrical values of test s done at 4-6 months interval in the last 18 months.
Please comment on the results. Are they normal ? I am 53 years old. I am not diabetic. My BP is 90/65 ( Yes its always at these levels !). I am generally fit , healthy and very active.
I do yoga asanas and meditation every day. I take vegetarian food. I do not take any milk, coffee or tea.
4 Days
Congratulations for successful completion of the most important part of transplant life.
Hugh leukocyte count is common in the initial few months after transplant due to steroids which will artificially increase leucocytes. You don't have to worry and and you can contact me on 9030292929
Hope this helps, feel free to discuss further