Alternate drug for ACID REFLUX with anxiety and stress.

Resolved question:

I am a 27 year Male,I had suffered from Anxiety and Stress although not diagnosed but due to stress (i believe) i used to have fast Heart Beats and once i went to doctor
performed and ECG which came out 120Bpm ,then prescribed Inderal 10mg 1 tablet a day (march 2012) ,i have been taking it ever since but also i have digestive issues long before this medicine was prescribed also i feel it might be due to acid reflux which i have,but now this medicine is not being manufactured or is non stock from a long time now in my country(Unites Arab Emirates) now my current medicine is also finishing ,so is it advisable to actually withdraw this medicine will it have major side effects or shall i increase the dose or better to visit the same Doctor.but what if he just recommends i increase the dose,rather than doing more tests or examination ,because maybe i donot actually need this medicine because it was just prescribed based on a ECG ,which later i also had during a pre-employment medical and it came out Normal,and apart from that i am active,and also my work involves a lot of physical movement and i havent had any sort of chest discomfort or pain or any other heart related issue,Please recommend what should i do next,Your Help would be very important in determining my good health.

Thank You

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cardiologist

Expert:  Dr. E. Satish Kumar replied 4 Days.

Dear Faisal ,
Thank you for your query at
Going through records , I feel that since you don't have any symptoms you can safely stop Tab Inderal and watch for any symptoms like palpitations , if palpitations present then it is better to do Holter Monitoring and then to decide whether to continue tab Inderal or not.
For your digestive problems ,if you have don't any symptoms then you can safely stop it. You can also try to prevent recurrences of acid reflux by taking food at regular intervals ,avoiding spicy foods and avoiding smoking and alcohol in case you take it. In case of recurrences you should do a Endoscope to identify the cause and meanwhile you can start Tab Omeprazole 40 mg i hr before food.
Periodically monitor your Lipid profile at least once in 2 yrs or earlier if your initial lipid profile is abnormal, daily exercise and eat healthy foods like more of fruits and green leafy vegetables and avoid junk foods.
Dr Satish

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Patient replied :

Thank you Doctor
I have not taken the medicine for about 3 days now and so far i have not faced any issues or symptoms,and as for the palpitations what exactly is that,and the omeprazole does it have any side effects,And any idea that till how many days if i have no symptoms after withdrawing the medicine it is safe to stop.That would be my last query and Thank you very much for the beneficial advise.
Thank you

Expert:  Dr. E. Satish Kumar replied 3 Days.

Dear Faisal, Palpitations means unusual high heart beats and it occurs even with minimal activities.
Side Effects of Omeprazole are rare but can occurs like
Back or leg pain
Bleeding from lips
Blood colour urine
Joint pain
Muscle ache
As long as you digestive problems you can continue Omeprazole.
As we all know that prevention is better than cure, so I suggest preventive measures like
Avoiding spicy and fried foods
Eating at regular intervals
Eating healthy foods.
These measures can prevent digestive problems.
Stop medications once you feel relief of symptoms.

Dr Satish

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