Allergies, lack of sleep, UTI diagnosed with PSYCHOSIS. Misdiagnosis?

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I had severe allergies, lack of sleep, vaginal discharge, uti. I was diagnosed with psychosis, which I believe was misdiagnosed for candidiasis. I just started taking flukonasol and most of the symptoms are gone. Could I ask for misdiagnosis check?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Psychiatrist

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at

I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.
The diagnosis of candidiasis and psychosis are very different. For them to be confused were there are any behavioral disturbances like disorganized behavioour or speech or any persistent delusions about the infections of candidiasis in the absense of the contrary. Were your tests for candidiasis always coming negative despite you feeling the presence of infection? What were the predominant thoughts during your illness?
Hope to hear from you about these clarifications.

Dr. Srikanth reddy MD

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Patient replied :

I haven't been tested for candidiasis. I had a list of severe allergies (tested), migranes, and a sleep problem due to allergies
( '
Lack of sleep can occur a number of ways. Total sleep deprivation is complete absence of sleep. Partial is insufficient sleep night after night. Sleep can also appear to be sufficient in amount yet be poor in quality. This occurs with sleep apnea, marked by heavy snoring and occasional gasps for air – the person is awakened often hundreds of times a night without knowing it, gulping air due to a closed airway in the throat.
Sleep deprivation symptoms include irritability, fatigue, blurred vision, slurring of speech, memory lapses, and inability to concentrate. In extreme stages bizarre behavior and hallucinations can occur.')

I just recently started taking flukonasol and the symptoms went away. This is what I read about candidosis symptoms.
The Second Stage of Candida may involve more generalized reactions such as PAIN, HEADACHES (including Migraine), EXTREME FATIGUE, PSORIASIS, INFECTIONS OF THE NAILS, MUSCLE ACHES, JOINT PAINS, AND ARTHRITIS. Naturally, drug after drug is usually taken in hopes of alleviating these miserable conditions. In most cases, the SYMPTOMS alone are being treated--while the CAUSE (Candida over­growth) may be literally being PROMOTED at the same time! The Third Stage of Candida may involve MENTAL and BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES: Inability to concentrate, not being able to read or follow a television program or carry on a hobby, serious forgetfulness, memory loss, mental confusion, not being able to think of the words to say something, switching around of words and letters when trying to speak and/or write something, loss of previous skills (such as how-to-type or how-to-play-the-piano, etc.) These frightening problems may often lead to 'HOPELESS CRYING' SPELLS, SEVERE DEPRESSION, SLEEP DISORDERS (may include insomnia, confusion dreams, nightmares, apnea, and not feeling rested or restored after sleep), IRRATIONAL THOUGHTS, UNUSUAL FEARS, PHOBIAS, PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS, MUSCLE TWITCHING, IRRITABILITY, VIOLENCE, AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, and even EPILEPTIC SEIZURES and THOUGHTS OF DEATH OR SUICIDE. Sometimes people with these symptoms are labeled 'Mentally ill', thought to be suffering from manic-depressive Psychosis or Schizophrenia. These desperately sick patients are sometimes turned over to the care of a psychiatrist or hospitalized in a mental institution. They may be given antidepressants, tranquilizers, lithium, etc. to lighten the mental symptoms. . But the CAUSE may be overlooked and the patient is not CURED on a long-term basis. Refer to Dr. William Crook’s article on 'Candida and Mental Health' on this web site. Candida is a yeast that lives in the body normally. However, broad-spectrum antibiotics tend to kill off Candida’s enemies in the body and can result in Candida overgrowth. The yeasts put out toxins that can weaken the immune system and cause a long list of symptoms. Although psychosis is not a common manifestation of Candida, it has occurred. Mental symptoms have included fatigue, inability to concentrate, depression, mood swings, anxiety, hyperactivity, delusions, 'manic depression,' psychosis, and suicidal or violent tendencies'

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 3 Days.


Yes you are right in stating that candidiasis can cause neuro-psychiatric symptoms. But it is one of the progressed stages of candidiasis. Its when the candida has entered the brain.
If you want to confirm it then it would be wise to get a csf microscopy and culture-sensitivity done. However at present if you are symptom free then there is no need to worry. However if the symptoms persists, do not hesitate to get the csf examination done.

Hope this helps
If you have any further query, do let me know.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD

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Patient replied :

What about sleep issues along with severe allergies? Could it lead to the symptoms confused with psychosis?

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 2 Days.

Hello. Thank you for the follow up.
Sleep disturbance can occur in psychotic disorders. And chronic sleep deprivation can lead to psychotic symptoms. But sleep disorder by itself cannot be called as psychosis. There has to be a change in the speech/behaviour and functional impairment to call it psychosis. Allergies and psychosis do not have much in common. Allergy, even if severe , cannot lead to psychosis. But the medicines used for allergies, the steroids, can lead to psychosis if used over along time.
Hope this clarification of the concepts help you.
Kind regards,
Dr. Srikanth Reddy

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