Resolved question:
Frst of all thanks a lot for your help and time reading this info. Your reply will help me a lot with my anxiety.
A few days ago I met a girl in a club and we then went to a hotel. We had a nice chat and played a bit. We did not have any penetration nor oral sex. We just had mutual masturbation.
He touched my penis with her hand and with the other touched her vagina. I really dont remember if at any time she switched hand and touched my penis with the hand she touched her vagina. I´m a bit concerned about this.
Is it possible to get HIV or other STD from her fluids? I mean, is it possible to get HIV if she touched her vagina and got any fluids and then touched my penis?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help and reply.
4 Days
Internal Medicine Specialist
Thank you for asking the consult:
There is no possibility for HIV transmission by the type of sexual contact you had. This is because HIV virus could not be transmitted through intact skin. One exception is if you have an active wound cut or abrasion in you penis skin or mucous membrane. In that case there is a small risk of HIV transmission if the other partner is carrying the virus.
Even though the chance for an HIV is negligible in this situation, I recommend using a barrier protection like Condoms for safeguarding yourselves from HIV and other STDs
Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask follow-up questions via this email itself.
Thank you.