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Resolved question:
I have policystic kidney disease. I just received my blood work numbers. I have a meeting with my doctor in a few weeks to go over them. I wanted to just chat with a doctor briefly to hear their quick response to the range I am in. My "B1" is 25 My Creatine Level is 1.72 My GFR is 47

Based on those numbers, how far away is dialysis? When Creatine hits 10? I am a 46 year old male with zero symptoms. I was diagnosed 9 years ago with PKD

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Nephrologist

Expert:  Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
PKD is a genetic disease which is supposed to affect all those who share the blood( genes). But then patients may develop kidney failure as well though difficult to predict who is going get that . It is a very slowly progressive disease and takes several years to become complete kidney failure. At the age of 46 if you gave a creatinine of 1.7 mg, I can predict that you might become a patient of complete kidney failure by around 60 years or even later . You need to take lot of precautions for that and any thing that occurs early can be due to only negligence medically and personally. I also request you to screen all your family members for the same.
Feel free to discuss further,

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Patient replied :

Thank you Doctor. You said "You need to take lot of precautions for that and any thing that occurs early can be due to only negligence medically and personally."
Can you just briefly tell me what those things are? Drink lots of water and exercise. Anything else?

Expert:  Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju replied 3 Days.

You can prevent dehydration, drink lots of water
Maintain weight, check blood pressure and blood sugar and try to maintain it within normal range
Avoid medicines which might harm the kidney e.g steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics. Talk to your doctor before about your condition before taking them.
Eat a diet with more green leafy vegetables and less meat if possible.
Abstain from smoking, alcohol consumption
Avoid and get treated for any kidney infections as early as possible.

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