Concern about herpes

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Dear doctor. I am now living with my second partner. Recently I have had found that my previous partner have been affected by the herpes least year. I do not have any type of symptoms related to the herpes in my body. But I am a little tensed that I have the symptoms of the yeast infection in my body and it is the third time I have been affected by yeast infection on this year. This is an unusual thing for me and I am so much curious whether the symptoms are related to the affecting of the herpes infection. Please give me the reply for my question so that I can take the necessary action in solving this problem.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern. The increase in the affecting of the yeast infection is not at all related to the symptom of the herpes infection. It has been mistaken for the yeast infection to be the sexually transmitted diseases such as the gonorrhea, herpes and the chlamydia. So it is better to have it checked by the gynecologist whether it is yeast infection or as the herpes. By conducting a simple physical examination the gynecologist can easily tell you whether the symptoms present in your body are due to the infection of herpes or not. It would be good to have the visit to a doctor as soon as possible as most of the diseases can be easily treated at their starting stages itself, delaying the treatment would make the disease get more problematic and will take more time in curing the disease. Take care.

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