Spinal cord TH7 and Th 8 flattened with lymphocytosis and illness of Kahler

Resolved question:
Dear Sir, I'm Richard form the Netherlands. I have problems with my spinal cord. TH7 and Th 8 are flattened. Mij blood shows a normal level leucocyten of 5.5. But my level of Lymfocyten are high. I have also a LOW Hb and and level of hemoglobine are low. Can you tell me if these combination of complaints can mean an Illness. Some people say that you don't have to worry if your total level of leucocyten is normal ad 5,5. Is it possible that when the total level is normal but the lymofocytren high. that you still have an illness. I,m afraid that the combination off complaints means illnes of Kahler. Plaese lett me know if i'm right.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Mayank Bhargava replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at DoctorSpring.

Do you have past history of spinal injury?
Are you an overweight?

There are few conditions in which total leucocyte count is found to be normal with raised lymphocytes which is also known as lymphocytosis.
lymphocytosis is common in viral and protozoal infection, leukemias and post splenectomy cases.
Flattening of thoracic vertebra is also not a good sign and need thorough evaluation.

Illness of kahler (also known as Multiple myeloma) generally presents with bone pain and may cause back ache with vertebra compression.

Possibility of MM should also be kept in mind and you should consult with internal medicine specialist and orthopedic surgeon simultaneously and should go for thorough check up.

You should also go for complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, peripheral blood count, serum protein electrophoresis, skull and pelvis x ray, beta-2 microglobulin level, kappa & lambda chain assay, renal function test, serum calcium.

Treatment depends on exact diagnosis.
Let me know the results of above mentioned investigations. Please feel free to discuss further.

Take care,
Get well soon,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava

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